
Electroacupuncture analgesia is improved by adenoviral gene transfer of dopamine beta-hydroxylase into the hypothalamus of rats

  • AD 최고관리자
  • 조회 2274
  • 2014.12.17


Electroacupuncture (EA) is a modified form of acupuncture that utilizes electrical stimulation. We previously showed that EA stimulated rats were divided into responders that were sensitive to EA and non-responders that were insensitive to EA based on the tail flick latency (TFL) test. The dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) gene was more abundantly expressed in the hypothalamus of responder rats than non-responder rats. To determine whether overexpression of DBH gene expression in the hypothalamus modulate EA analgesia, we constructed a DBH encoding adenovirus and which was then injected into the hypothalamus of SD rats. Microinjection of DBH or control GFP virus into the hypothalamus had no changes on the basal pain threshold measured by a TFL test without EA treatment. However, the analgesic effect of EA was significantly enhanced from seven days after microinjection of the DBH virus, but not after injection of the control GFP virus. DBH expression was significantly higher in the hypothalamus of DBH virus injected rat than control GFP virus or PBS injected rats. Moreover, expression of the DBH gene did not affect the body core temperature, body weight, motor function or learning and memory ability. Although the functional role of DBH in the hypothalamus in the analgesic effect of EA remains unclear, our findings suggest that expression of the DBH gene in the hypothalamus promotes EA analgesia without obvious side-effects.

Author keywords

Adenovirus; Analgesia; Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase; Electroacupuncture; Hypothalamus

Indexed keywords

EMTREE drug terms: adenovirus vector; dopamine beta monooxygenase; green fluorescent protein

EMTREE medical terms: analgesia; animal experiment; animal tissue; article; body temperature; body weight; controlled study; electroacupuncture; gene expression; gene overexpression; hypothalamus; learning; male; memory; microinjection; nonhuman; pain threshold; rat; tail flick test

Chemicals and CAS Registry Numbers: dopamine beta monooxygenase, 9013-38-1

ISSN: 12264512 CODEN: KJPPFSource Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.4196/kjpp.2013.17.6.505 Document Type: Article
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