
Cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity is inhibited by Taxilli Ramulus

  • AD 최고관리자
  • 조회 1725
  • 2014.12.16


Taxilli Ramulus has been shown have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Cisplatin is the most active cytotoxic anti-cancer drugs. However, the nephrotoxicity of cisplatin limits its use as a therapeutic. In the present study, we examined whether Taxilli Ramulus could protect against cisplatin induced acute renal failure in mice. Taxilli Ramulus were administrated orally once a day for 3 days (150 or 300 mg/ kg body wt). After 3 days, all groups of mice received a single dose of cisplatin (25 mg/kg (body wt)) intraperitoneally. Taxilli Ramulus treatment ameliorated renal dysfunction 72 h after cisplatin injection. Taxilli Ramulus treated group had significantly reduced levels of proinflammatory cytokines when compared to the control group. These results show that Taxilli Ramulus is a potent herbal medicine that can reduce cisplatin nephrotoxicity. It also demonstrates that Taxilli Ramulus can prevent the renal toxic effects caused by cisplatin. © The Korean Society of Toxicogenomics and Toxicoproteomics and Springer 2012.

Author keywords

Cisplatin; Nephrotoxicity; Taxilli ramulus; TNF-a

Indexed keywords

EMTREE drug terms: cisplatin; creatinine; interleukin 1beta; interleukin 6; plant extract; Taxilli ramulus extract; tumor necrosis factor alpha; unclassified drug

EMTREE medical terms: animal experiment; article; brush border; controlled study; creatinine blood level; drug effect; drug induced disease; kidney function; kidney injury; male; mouse; nephrotoxicity; nonhuman; protein expression; single drug dose; urea nitrogen blood level

Chemicals and CAS Registry Numbers: cisplatin, 15663-27-1, 26035-31-4, 96081-74-2; creatinine, 19230-81-0, 60-27-5

ISSN: 1738642XSource Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.1007/s13273-012-0038-0 Document Type: Article
트위터 페이스북 미투데이 다음요즘 싸이공감 카카오톡 카카오스토리 네이트온 쪽지 구글 북마크 네이버 북마크
